【同义词辨析】 2017-09-21 灾难disaster-cataclysm

disaster: implies an unforeseen, ruinous and often sudden misforetune that happens either through lack of foresight or through some hostile external agency: the war proved to be a ~ for the country.

catastrophe: implies a disastrous conclusion and emphasizes finality: speculation about the ~ that befell Atlantis.

calamity: stresses a grievous misfortune involving a great personal or public loss: the father's sudden death was a ~ for the family. grief悲痛=poignant sorrow

cataclysm: originally refers to a deluge or geological convulsion, applies to anything that produces an upheaval or complete reversal of an existing order: the French Revolution ranks as one of the ~s of the modern era.

disaster灾难: 泛指出人预料毁灭性的突发事件(可能由于缺乏预见或恶意),catastrophe灾难: 指灾难性结果、强调终结, calamity灾难: 强调令人哀恸的不幸,造成个人或公众的巨大损失,cataclysm灾难: 原指洪水地质震动, 现指动荡秩序颠覆

记忆方法: 1) 首字母DCCC想成CCCD常常冲动<==招致灾难

         2) 词根记忆,回答问题,参考[词根系列] 介绍

            a) catastrophe和cataclysm有相同词根cata,它的意思是____,这两个词该怎样联想?

            b) disaster中的aster表示星星,请问dis的意思是____,它是259个词根中的第___个,这个词该怎样联想。

         3) 灾难的意思是可怕不幸事件状况mean an event or situation that is or is regarded as a terrible misfortune.